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As we all know Turkey is hosting the world’s largest population of refugees. As part of the peace makers project we organized an activity targeting those children from primary school, and took them on a trip to the Zoo. We first arranged three busses to pick them up, and assigned one international peace maker to each child. All the children were excited because it was their first experience visiting the zoo. It was early in the morning when we started our journey wandering around watching the animals, and then had ice cream as a treat half way through the journey. Later we surprised the children with a Safari trio, were they’ve experienced animals at a closer range. This wasn’t the end yet, as we continued to an aquarium where they saw all sorts of fish. The whole time, you could see the smile on their faces as they are seeing and discovering new things. By the end of the trip, children were saying that it was their first time doing such a tour; and they wish to have elder brothers and sisters like us to look out after their well being by doing fun activities. They expressed their interest to be more and more engaged with future trips as well. Personally, it was emotional knowing that there are lots of those children out there missing out on those small things that contribute to their happiness. But on the other hand, it was satisfying to know that we were there for those kids and gave them this chance and enjoyed our time together.